Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.
Bitte beachten Sie folgendes:
Da wir uns auf unser Kerngeschäft konzentrieren wollen, möchten wir Sie bitten für folgende Geräte eine andere Servicemöglichkeit zu suchen:
DJ Equipment der Hersteller Denon DJ, Pioneer, Rane
Soundsysteme von BOSE und Teufel
Dear Creatives,
the guitar amp doesn´t make a sound all of a sudden, the audio interface no longer works, some keys on the keyboard are silent and an output stage of the PA suddenly stutters? Pots are scratchy and the internal reverb effect doesn´t work anymore? All that sounds like a case for professional services - and that is our specialty!
We at PMS electronics are specialized in the repair of electronic equipment. We work very closely with many brand manufacturers and therefore have a huge expertise in this field. For over 25 years we repair amplifiers, keyboards, mixers, speakers, and more - on behalf of the manufacturer as well as for private clients. In addition, we also have all kinds of spare parts at hand or quickly available.
Questions? Anytime, please write an e-mail to: info[at]
Line6 Helix Wartungsanweisung für quietschende Expressionpedale
Line6 stellt auf seiner Webseite eine Wartungsprozedur für quietschende und sich lockernde Expressionpedale des Helix vor: Link zur Line6 Website
Samson / Hartke warranty repairs
Since March 10th 2017 we don´t perform warranty repairs for Samson / Hartke anymore. Please contact the german distributor Hal Leonard MGB instead, phone 07634 550-0, email: verkauf[at]
new repair order forms
We created new repair order forms for warranty and non warranty repairs. You can fill in the forms directly on your computer and print them afterwards.
to the new forms
![[Translate to US-English:] Versandlabel [] Motiv: Versandlabel](
Shipping Label
Send in your devices quickly with our shipping label. There´s no easier way!
this way please
![[Translate to US-English:] Reparatur [] Motiv: Reparatur](
Repair Order Forms
We created new repair order forms for warranty and non warranty repairs. You can fill in the forms directly on your computer and print them afterwards.