


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.

Shipping service Germany

If you don't have time to wait for the postman, you might create a label for your consignment by your own.

To create the label please fill in your datas underneath this passage and print the subsequently shown label on your printer.
Please read the customer instructions, cut off the label and stick it on the parcel. Afterwards please take the consignment to the German Post or hand it over to your DHL curier directly.

Please do not forget to enclose the filled in form for normal or for warranty repairs into the parcel. 

Enter your addressdatas here.
Don't use special letters, please. E.g. those with diacritics like the french à or the czech ň.
The bold data are necessary.

Measurements (max.):

  • longest side: 120 cm
  • second longest side: 60 cm
  • shortest: 60 cm
  • weight: 31,5 kg

Terms of shipment

In order that the logistician takes the parcel with him, the consignment must not be heavier than 31,5kg.  

The measurements are important as well. The parcel must not be greater than 120cm * 60cm * 60 cm.

For example:
The measurements of your parcel are: 110cm * 65cm * 40cm. So the consignment is to big to send it with DHL.

Please contact us if your parcel does not suit this measurements.

Please have a look at the general terms and conditions of Your logistican. Especially you should know that the forwarder could deny a liability if You send in Your device in a case.